Road marking mainly refers to road surface line marking. The line marking has strict requirements of its performance and quality to stand the sun-scorched and rain-drenched, freezing wind and snow, and abrasion from vehicl impact. Besides, it first demands short drying time and simple operation to reduce the traffic interference. Second it requires great reflection ability, bright colours and strong luminosity, to ensure a good visibility both in daytime and light. Third, it needs reliable sliding resistance to ensure the traffic safety and abrasive resistance to ensure long service life.
By direction pattern, road traffic lines can be divided into the following three categories:
a) The longitudinal traffic lines, along the road traffic;
b) Crosswise traffic lines, with a Angle to the road and traffic direction ;
c) Other lines, character mark and sign or other form of lines.
By direction pattern, road traffic lines can be divided into the following three categories:
a) The longitudinal traffic lines, along the road traffic;
b) Crosswise traffic lines, with a Angle to the road and traffic direction ;
c) Other lines, character mark and sign or other form of lines.
By morphology, road traffic lines can be divided into the following four categories:
a)solid or dotted line, marked on the road, pavement edge or facade.
b) character signs, such as words, digital and various graphic symbol marked on the road surface.
c) bump road signs, Reflector or not reflective body instaled for marking boundary, edge, lane, corner, dangerous road section, road range to change and obstacles
d) road contour identifying signs, Reflector (or reflected tablets)installed on both sides of the road, to indicate the direction of the road, the drive lane boundary contours.
The distinction of road traffic lines
a) White dotted lines, when marked in the middle of road is to separate driving traffic flow in the same direction or as the safe driving distance identify lines; when marked at the crossing is to guide travel vehicles.

c) Yellow dotted lines, when marked in the middle of road is to separate driving traffic flow in the opposite directions, when marked in the curb or on the curbstones is to prevent long curb parking.
d) Yellow solid line when when marked in the middle of road is to separate driving traffic flow in the opposite directions, when marked in the curb or on the curbstones is to prevent either long or temporary curb parking.
e) Double white dotted line in the crossroads is to slow down to give way; When set in road sections, is as e variable lanes when driving direction changes.
f) Double yellow solid lines, marked in road sections is to separate the traffic flow in the opposite directions.
g) Parallel yellow dotted and solid lines, marked in road sections is to separate the traffic flow in the opposite directions. On the side of yellow solid line, traffic overtaking, cross or return is forbidden, on the side of yellow solid line, safe traffic overtaking, cross or return is allowed. Double white solid line in the crossroads is to slow down to give way.
By the road marking paint material, road traffic lines can be divided into the following 6 categories:
1)Solvent-based coating marking
2) thermoplastic road marking
3)Water-based coating marking
4)Bi-component paint marking
5)molding marking
6)Cold model coating marking
By purpose, road traffic marking lines can be divided into the following 6 categories:
1) the non-reflective line
2) reflective line
3) bumps vibration lines
4) slippery prevention line
5) rainy night line
6) other lines
It's really interesting to learn about the process for road marking paint in christchurch. I was surprised to read some of the equipment that's necessary for marking lines. When I was reading through this, I expected to see a road marking machine, but I didn't know that gas, rope, chisels, cleaning equipment, and small tools would be used for this process. Thanks for posting this!